28-Day Love Yourself Challenge with Daybreak
It’s almost February! Most people might be planning for Valentine’s Day and spending time with loved ones, but don’t forget, your happiness matters just as much! To celebrate this romantic month, we’ve decided to pull up a 28-Day Love Yourself Challenge. With a different activity to enjoy every day, you bring yourself one step closer to loving yourself unconditionally.
Don’t forget to check regularly for updates! More links will be shared as new content is published throughout the month. If you liked any, remember to share them with your loved ones so they can learn to love themselves too!
Week 1
Day 01 - Spend time understanding your purpose.
Defining your life purpose isn’t easy. But as time goes by, you will come to learn more about yourself and your purpose. Understanding more about your life purpose can help you find your passion and achieve great success. It will serve as motivation or even shape your discipline to ensure that you reach your goals. With purpose, you will have a reason to feel satisfied with life.
To learn more, check out Jay Shetty’s podcast On Purpose
Day 02 - Make a list of things you love about yourself.
Do you love the way your dimples show when you smile? Or is it the way you chuckle at yourself for something silly that happened? You might love the way your hair falls perfectly on your shoulders or how muscular you’ve gotten over the year. Write up a list of all the things you love about yourself and feel comfortable with being true to yourself. After all, this is a Love Yourself Challenge!
Day 03 - Put on your favorite outfit (for yourself!)
You don’t need a special occasion to wear your favorite outfit! If you feel beautiful or elegant just by putting on that outfit you’ve been saving, by all means, throw yourself in it ASAP! However, if you lack the confidence to wear it outdoors, try getting comfortable in it when you’re at home first. As your confidence grows, it’s time to step out of the house and glow!
Day 04 - Create a new affirmation.
Affirmations have the power to make what you say come true. It has the power to sway your brain into thinking that it’s a reality. By creating positive affirmations and repeating them to yourself every day until your mind and body believe in them, you will experience a life-changing moment. That’s when you will realize it has become your reality.
Some self-love affirmation examples include:
- I am enough
- I matter
- My imperfections make me special
- I have the power to change
- I am beautiful
You may also be interested in 5 Simple Tips to Make Your Affirmations Work
Day 05 - Do something that makes you happy.
When was the last time you did something that made you made you so happy, you couldn’t contain your excitement? If you can’t remember, then today’s the day you spare some time doing something you love and makes you happy. Reading under a tree, playing board games with your family or even building a blanket fort are all great activities that you might enjoy! Just remember, be happy!
For more ideas, you may be interested in The Happiness Checklist: Choose Happy!
Day 06 - Write a letter to your future self.
Time to go old school! Grab yourself a pen and paper (and also an envelope) and start writing to your future self! It could be about how you’ve been lately or things you wish to change, what you hope to achieve by then. Once you’re ready, put the letter inside an envelope and hide it. If you’re worried you’ll accidentally throw it out, feel free to write the date you wish to open it or some reminder on the front of the envelope. A hiding spot to consider would be in your journal or even under your bed.
Day 07 - Empower your body through a workout.
Your body will thank you for it tomorrow. For those who regularly workout, keep up the great work! But for those who’ve only “thought” about working out, take this chance to do it! Give your body the exercise it needs to get your blood pumping. Eventually, you’ll notice how your skin glows as you keep up your exercise routine! Like exercise, this Love Yourself Challenge doesn’t always get easier, but it’ll be worth it!
Week 2
Day 08 - Forgive yourself.
It’s always easier said than done. But if we all take one step towards forgiving ourselves, it will benefit not only us but those around us. One way to encourage self-forgiveness is to treat yourself as your best friend. And if your best friend is feeling upset because of a mistake he/she made, you would probably be there to comfort them and hear them out instead of insulting them or making things worse. Try doing the same to yourself and see if anything changes!
Day 09 - Celebrate your life accomplishments.
No matter how great or tiny you feel like your life accomplishments are, CELEBRATE! Because you deserve it! It’s important to celebrate all your life accomplishments and achievements. Sometimes, we may feel underappreciated for the work we’ve done, but that’s okay! Because we can support ourselves and appreciate all the effort we’ve poured in. And the best way to do so is to celebrate your accomplishments and remind yourself that what you do matter!
Day 10 - Dance like no one's watching!
Besides a workout routine, dancing can also be a great form of exercise. With this in mind, it’s time to unleash your hidden dance moves and shake your body like no one’s watching! Just enjoy yourself and feel comfortable dancing. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or a competitive dancer. The key here is to have fun! Don’t forget, this is a Love Yourself Challenge so step out of your comfort zone and embrace yourself with love!
Day 11 - Treat your body to a healthy meal.
Consuming a healthy and fresh meal can give you the energy boost you needed to get through the day! Instead of eating greasy food or heavy meals, try going for light meals with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. You’ll feel much more energetic for hours after your meal. It can also help boost your motivation and productivity.
Day 12 - Make yourself a priority.
You’ve probably heard of this before, but you’ll need to hear it again. Make yourself a priority. We often forget that it’s okay for us to turn down plans if all you want is to spend some time alone and enjoy our own company. It’s okay to take time off work to care about your mental health. You don’t need other people’s permission to make yourself a priority. You are important! Your health matters! Let’s make it happen.
Day 13 - Straighten up and be confident.
As you read this, quickly check if you’re slouching? If so, it’s about time we fix it! Let’s straighten up! Almost instantly, you’ll feel much more confident. By standing or sitting tall, your posture will signal your brain that you’re feeling powerful, leading it to make more confident choices. Not only that, but a correct posture can also reduce the straining on your back and prevent muscle fatigue. So, let’s straighten up, feel confident, and stay healthy!
Day 14 - Look in the mirror and appreciate yourself.
You don’t need to compare your looks with models and influencers you see on Social Media. It’s essential for us to learn to love ourselves and be comfortable in our own skin. You might feel uncomfortable staring at yourself in the mirror at first. But one step at a time, you’ll slowly grow to love the way you look. Give yourself compliments! Say it aloud. Because no matter what, you are always beautiful.
Week 3
Day 15 - Unplug from social media and connect with yourself.
Today’s the day you stop looking at other people’s stories and connect with yourself. It’s time to understand and discover more about yourself. Is your mental and physical health doing okay? Have you been keeping up with your morning routine? Is there something you’ve been putting off for a long time? Let’s slow down for a bit and focus on our needs. Remember, this is a Love Yourself Challenge.
Day 16 - Enjoy a self-help book.
What better way to learn how to love yourself than to read self-help books!? Not only is this activity relaxing, but also quite educational! You might find yourself learning something new today that will benefit you in the near future. From personal development to self-care, feel free to pick up any book that you’ll enjoy and spend a quality evening reading it.
You may also be interested in List of Beautiful Self-Help Books for a Quality Evening
Day 17 - Treat yourself to a massage.
Release the stress and tension that’s been building up on your muscles, and treat yourself to a nice massage! After all that your shoulders and back have been carrying, it won’t hurt to spend a little on a nice relaxing massage. Maybe with a bit of aromatherapy on the side too. When it’s finished, you’d feel ten times lighter and more flexible. Get ready for a week’s worth of great mood!
Day 18 - Make your dreams come true.
Don’t let your dreams be dreams. Make them a reality! Take out your journal and start brainstorming. What is your dream? How will you achieve it? And, most importantly, take action! There will never be a better time than now to get started. One step at a time, starting with baby steps, work towards your dream. When you look back three months from now, you’ll realize how far you’ve come and how much further you can go!
You may also be interested in How to Successfully Achieve Any Goals Step-By-Step
Day 19 - Unfollow negative social media accounts
There is no room in your life for negative influence! If something or someone makes you feel uncomfortable or even unworthy, it’s time to part with them. Not everyone in your life is meant to lift you up. Some try to drag you down because they know they’re beneath you. Don’t let their negativity get to you! Remember your self-worth and nothing others say will make you feel less worthy. We can start cutting pessimism out by unfollowing negative social media accounts. This is a Love Yourself Challenge so show some love to yourself!
Ships don’t sink because of the water around them.
Ships sink because of the water that gets in them.
Don’t let what’s happening around you get inside you and weigh you down.
Day 20 - Adopt a new habit you'll be thankful for
Habits have the power to change your life or break it. Healthy habits can bring you more benefits than you can count. Bad habits, however, can drag you lower than your lowest point. Show some love to yourself and adopt a new habit that can either keep you healthy, educate you, or even help you with your career in the long-run. Or, if you’ve got a bad habit, start throwing it out the window.
Day 21 - Let the sunshine in
Pull up those curtains and open your window. Let the natural light shine into your room as the crispy and sweet air refreshes your body. Keeping your workspace ventilated and well-lit is proven to boost productivity. Not to mention, the sunshine can also brighten up your mood and help you swiftly get by your work.
Week 4
Day 22 - Create a bucket list.
Write down all the things you want to try or the places you want to visit once we can travel again! Just searching online for beautiful countries to visit or must-do things in life can keep you motivated for the week. You can even start making travel plans for the future and include activities from your bucket list!
For more ideas, check out Kelsey in London’s Bucket List Challenge
Day 23 - Pamper yourself with dessert.
For all those sweet tooths out there, I can’t agree more with the statement, “Dessert goes to the heart.” Especially when those around us tend to drop their jaws at the idea of us ordering dessert after a huge meal, we just shrug and reply, “We’ve got a second stomach.” Good news because today’s the cheat day, where you pamper yourself with dessert as part of the Love Yourself Challenge. (But if the doctor says no sweets, you’ll have to look for healthier alternatives!)
For easy-to-follow Japanese recipes, check out Just One Cookbook by Nami
Day 24 - Take a walk in nature.
When was the last time you went out to somewhere nice and quiet for a peaceful walk? Let’s take this Love Yourself Challenge as an opportunity to enjoy nature and appreciate life. Be thankful for mother nature for all the small yet beautiful living things and be grateful for your healthy body. Breathe in the forest air and bathe yourself in the warmth of the sun. Enjoy the sound of nature and find your inner peace.
Day 25 - Have yourself an at-home spa day.
Enjoy the rest of your evening with a stress-relieving spa at home and let yourself unwind after a long day. If you don’t have a tub to soak in, don’t worry! Find yourself a bucket and fill it with warm water to soak your feet in. This alternative can save you a lot of water and still be able to help you relax.
Day 26 - Donate articles of clothing you barely use.
Helping others has always had a positive effect on our behavior as well as our work performance. Donation is one form of helping others. By donating resources such as money, clothing, or books, we help those less fortunate in their livelihood. It not only helps them but also benefits us because we would feel good about our actions.
Day 27 - Blast and sing your favorite songs unapologetically.
Don’t wait until you’re in the shower to sing! Just crank up the music or throw on some headsets and start singing! (Do be considerate and make sure it’s not early in the morning or in the middle of the night) Make your personal karaoke playlist, grab a broom as a mic if you have to, and become the new singing sensation. It’s a Love Yourself Challenge, so don’t be afraid to let your voice sing.
Day 28 - Call and talk to someone that always makes you smile genuinely.
With all the love you’ve been showering yourself in, it’s time to reach out to your favorite people. Is there someone you’ve been longing to catch up with but haven’t found the time to lately? Pick up your phone and dial their number now! By the time you hang up, you’ll notice how time flies and how much fun it is to chat with the right people.
To Conclude
We hope you enjoy this journey with us as we go through the 28-Day Love Yourself Challenge. Let’s take one step at a time each day and learn to love ourselves unconditionally. If you enjoyed any of these activities, don’t forget to share it with your loved ones or invite them to join us all on this challenge!
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