3-Set Free Planner Template to Level Up Your Life
Don’t let your dreams be dreams! Write them down and take action so you can live your dream life every day. To help readers get started, here is a 3-set planner template. The idea is to write down 3 goals for the month, then break them down into smaller goals for each week and take action every day.
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Monthly - Set Goals
I want to…
- Something you are passionate about
- Something that excites you and makes you feel alive
- Something that makes you happy
- Write my blog
- Attend a candle-making course
- Learn to ice-skate
I have to…
- Something you should do
- Something that's good for you
- Learn Japanese
- Learn to drive
- Exercise 30 minutes a day
I need to…
- Something you absolutely need to do
- It may not be something you want to do
- Wake up at 6 AM
- Find a job
- Stop spending so much time on social media
You can mark down important reminders or the budget you set aside to achieve these goals in the space below. Setting deadlines can help give you a sense of urgency to reach your goals (even if they’re not really urgent).
Weekly - Make Plans
After setting the three goals (1) want to; (2) have to; (3) need to, you can break it down into smaller steps to achieve over the week. Besides your monthly goals, you might also have daily habits you want to keep.
The “Tasks” section will help you track these habits. Similarly, you can use the “Progress” section to measure your progress. If you’re trying to wake up earlier, you can mark down what time you woke up. Because if you don’t measure it, you can’t improve it.
Motivation is what gets you started.
Habit is what keeps you going.
Daily - Take Action
Planning is crucial, but you shouldn’t stop there. Take action by doing one small thing that can bring you closer to your weekly goal.
After you finish ticking off your to-do list, remember to review these actions at the end of the day. Think to yourself what your next steps will be for tomorrow. It will give you a head start and keep you motivated.
If you have time, you can consider having a short self-reflection. Feel free to apply these debriefing techniques from the business world to self-reflection in your personal life. Once you’re ready for a new day, give the affirmation a big tick!
To Conclude
Goal, Plan, Action
Don’t let your big goals overwhelm you. Make use of different planner templates to help you break down your goals into smaller steps. Then, take action! It’s never easy, but it’ll be worth it. Feel free to share your progress with us, so we can be there to support you when you grow and celebrate with you when you achieve your goals!
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