5 Reasons to Go Out and Reconnect with Nature
Are you looking for weekend activities to spend with your family or by yourself? You’re in luck! This week’s blog will help you reconnect with nature by sharing the benefits of Vitamin N (nature) and inspiring quotes with beautifully taken photos by our community.
Not only is nature beneficial for our health, but it’s also perfect for family activities because it’s suited for all ages. More importantly, it’s completely free of charge! And you’ll learn plenty from this experience.
Here are 5 of the countless benefits of taking a walk through nature:
Nature spurs inspiration and creativity.
Out in the woods, where the Wi-Fi is weak, you have no choice but to put away your phone and enjoy the scenery. For artists and photographers, it’s hard to resist the picturesque landscape as it overflows with inspiration. Even a field trip with your handheld recorder can get your creativity skills tingling.
It improves your mood and lowers stress.
A study has shown that a 90-minute walk through nature can have a positive impact on our health. When comparing those who took a walk in the urban city and those in nature, the latter showed promising signs of lowered stress and anxiety levels.
Results also showed the reduced neural activity in the brain region linked to depression and other mental illnesses.
Nature can enhance your immune system.
When you reconnect with nature and spend time in the forest, your body increases the cell activity of natural killers. These NK cells help fight bacteria and viruses that invade your body. A three-day trip to a forest can increase NK cell activities for more than 30 days after the trip!
Fun fact!
Laughing can also improve NK cell activity.
It's a great reminder to care for the Earth.
We always hear about the importance of caring for the natural environment and what measures or habits we need to foster to slow down global warming. Seeing is different from being told. Once you take a hike or walk along a nearby trail, everything you see will be a reminder of why you should take care of the Earth.
It helps broaden your mind and your thinking.
A close friend once told me that watching the waves crashing in made him realize how insignificant his problems were. It might’ve felt overwhelming at first, but when you compare it to nature’s horizon, all our problems seem so much smaller. And that there’s more to the world than you would’ve imagined.
To Conclude
Reconnect with nature. Immerse yourself in the natural environment. Then, bathe yourself in all the positive changes that nature brings. Enjoy living a healthier and more fulfilling life with plenty of Vitamin N. Don’t forget to encourage your family and friends to do the same!
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