7 Cups: Connect with caring listeners at times of need
Sometimes, it’s the closest people that we avoid telling our inner feelings to. Maybe it’s our pride or we don’t want to feel like a burden to them. At times like these, it’s extremely important not to alienate yourself. If you need someone to talk to (with or without commitment), the volunteers at 7 cups can help!
What is 7 cups?
It’s a free platform to connect with caring listeners for emotional support. These listeners come from all over the world and are available to chat 24/7. If you want to explore on your own, there are plenty of articles and self-help guides written by experts to help you grow. 7 cups also have paid online therapy if you want to get in touch with licensed therapists.
How to make use of it?
When I first joined the 7 cups community, I was reluctant to talk. Instead of diving right into a live chat, I explored the Q&A section along with the different forums. I looked for people who faced similar problems and read what experts had to say about it. Some even provided helpful tips and solutions, while some weren’t quite what I needed to hear.
After reading the Q&A and Forums, I decided that I was ready to talk. But boy, was I wrong. I clicked the “Connect Now” button, waited about half a minute, and was connected live to a listener (probably somewhere on the other side of Earth). Then I froze. I tried to type something then ended up deleting it.
Lucky for me, the listener knew exactly what to do. He helped lead the conversation and asked simple questions that I could answer. He guided me through the chat and reassured me that those mixed feelings I had had were perfectly normal with examples of his own. He made me feel at ease to speak my heart without worrying that it might become a burden.
To Conclude
I can’t guarantee that every conversation at 7 Cups will immediately help you get back on your feet. But I can say this in confidence. I definitely felt better after talking to someone. The next time you feel like isolating yourself, remember that you’re only one click away from a caring listener!
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