Inspired by the book “Goodbye, Things: On Minimalist Living” by Fumio Sasaki, I’ve decided to take on the journey to become a minimalist. Up to today, I’ve discarded almost 80% of my belongings (mostly through recycling, giving away to others, or donating). I’ve used minimalism as a way to cope with stress, eliminate the junk in my room, and clear the distractions in my head.
For those who want to start changing their lifestyle, becoming a minimalist can be a great start. Here are a few things you will gain more of than you lose through minimalism.
If you need help to get started, here are 5 Easy Tips to Declutter at Home that Works
Becoming a minimalist can save you a lot of time, whether it’s cleaning your room or looking for a missing sock.
As you reduce your possessions, you will become more aware of each item you own and care for it dearly. They will have their place in the house, so there’s no more turning your house upside down to find something.
And with fewer possessions, there’s merely nothing left to tidy up except maybe to clean the windows or mop the floor.
Time is now the currency.
— In Time
Don’t be surprised when you realize how big your apartment might be once you clear out most of your possessions. It might be the reason why most minimalists can live comfortably in both large and small apartments. They don’t own that many items, so it’s easy to make space no matter how small their apartments are.
And with more space, minimalists can always invite friends to come over and enjoy the evening with board games or other activities. Using their minimal living room as a multi-purpose room, they can enjoy any activities anytime they like.
With less possessions come more freedom. Whether it’s to travel or to move apartments, minimalists enjoy great freedom in doing so. This is because they know exactly what they need so packing for a vacation can be swiftly done in under half an hour.
If one has the desire to move apartments and the money, it can also be achieved in under a few hours (or less). The freedom to go wherever you like whenever you like is one of the many things you will gain as a minimalist.
Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.
— Moshe Dayan
Once you clear out most of your belongings, you will notice how much more energy you have each day. There won’t be any more distractions because your mind will be as clear as your workspace. There won’t be piles of clutter sapping your positive energy away.
Instead, with all the clear space in the room, you might even feel an energy boost to do the things you’ve been holding off. As if nothing is standing in your way or holding you back, you are likely to become more motivated to get started.
In Conclusion
Becoming a minimalist can help you gain more with less. Time, space, freedom, and energy are just a few things that any minimalist can enjoy more. Here I quote from Fumio Sasaki, “People can change starting with their lifestyles.” Taking one step at a time, you can also change through the art of minimalist living.
For interested readers, don’t forget to check out the book “Goodbye, Things” by Fumio Sasaki
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