Personal DevelopmentBusiness & CareerHow to Balance Between Work and Life

How to Balance Between Work and Life

How to Balance between Work and Life

It’s been over a year since most people switched to remote work. With the pandemic, almost all office workers are encouraged to work from home to stay safe. It’s hard to deny the benefits of working from home. You can reallocate your commute time to develop yourself or to spend with your family. However, it’s not uncommon for people to lose their balance between work and life.

After all, there are no clear boundaries anymore. One minute, you’re cooking dinner for your family. The next, you’re checking your email or preparing for a meeting. Unlike before, your work stays at the office. But now? Your home is your office.

If this blurry line between work and life is what’s causing you so much stress lately, then all you have to do is draw your own line.

So, how can you set boundaries between work and life?

  1. Dedicate a workspace
  2. Get Dressed
  3. Talk to your boss
Photo by Jessy Smith on Unsplash
Photo by Jessy Smith on Unsplash

1. Dedicate a workspace

Clear up a corner in your house or reserve a desk just for work. Draw up an imaginary office cube so whenever you leave this space, you leave your work behind as well. Keeping it neat and tidy can help you stay focused and boost productivity!

Photo by Nimble Made on Unsplash
Photo by Nimble Made on Unsplash

2. Get dressed

You don’t sleep in your suit so why would you work in your pajamas? Don’t be lazy and get dressed. You might not notice but when you put on your work outfit, you’re waking up your body and mind to get work done. This shouldn’t only apply to work. When you exercise, put on your gym clothes. Who knows? Your outfit might even get you pumped up and motivated.

Photo by Adem AY on Unsplash
Photo by Adem AY on Unsplash

3. Talk to your boss

If your company expects you to be on-call 24/7, then something very wrong is happening. This is a sign to talk to your boss about the issue. Talk to your boss and make sure you both are on the same page about the official working hours. If 9 AM to 6 PM is official, then 10 PM meetings are out of the question.

If you’re scared to talk to your boss or too worried about what others might think, just remember that you’re not only speaking for yourself. You’re also thinking about how you can help your company grow. Feeling stressed out and tired all the time won’t help you get your job done better. Instead, when you’re well-rested and healthy, you can easily achieve your quota and do more!

To Conclude

Without a concrete line between work and life, your work will slowly take over your life. Not only will you feel stressed out all the time, lose focus, and lower productivity levels, but also it’s a huge blow to your mental and physical health. Whenever you’re reluctant to draw the line, just remember that you’re doing this for both yourself AND your company.

How to Balance between Work and Life