How to Incorporate Exercise into Your Daily Actions
As a follow-up post for 3 Free Ways to Remind Yourself to Drink More Water, we’ve decided to dive into how we can incorporate exercise into our daily activities. Hitting the gym or going for hikes might not be for everyone, despite all the health benefits. Instead, let’s focus on what we do on a daily basis and try to add exercising elements to it. Small steps can lead to big changes!
The idea is to rethink your daily actions and come up with creative ways to add exercise into the action. Here are just a few examples that may or may not apply to you:
At Home
Spice up your usual washing up in the morning with some music you prepared the night before (preferably music you can dance or want to wiggle to). If morning meditation is on your list, try replacing it once in a while with moving meditation. Taichi not only boosts your concentration but can also improve your spatial awareness.
For anyone who’s working from home, put away the chair and take out your yoga ball! Whenever I feel like losing attention, I just move my body while balancing on the yoga ball. Magically, my attention comes back and boosts my productivity. Do be aware of your sitting posture. If you feel any pain in your lower back or waist (or was recommended by the doctor not to do so), it’s better to turn to other activities.
Have to head to the office? We got you covered with these commuting exercises. Bus riders can get off one stop earlier and walk (provided it’s within walking distance!). If the company has bicycle parking available, cycling to work might not be a bad idea. It can save you money and help keep the environment clean.
And, instead of taking the escalator or lift, try taking the stairs for a change. It’s no surprise to find the stairs less crowded when everyone’s lining up and pancaking each other for the escalator.
At Work
As companies pay more attention to health and wellness in the workplace, you might find a few standing desks hidden in the office. If not, you can suggest it to them with the list of health benefits that come with it. You could secretly do standing yoga poses (or half a pose), so your colleagues won’t question why your hands are in the air.
Besides standing desks, you can always stretch at your desk right before you take your break or go on your trip to the washroom. If you’re waiting for your coffee to brew, go and take a short walk instead of standing there waiting.
In Conclusion
Exercise doesn’t always mean overwhelming yourself with activities you don’t enjoy. You can make small changes in your daily actions to incorporate exercise. Think about what you usually do. Then decide for yourself where and what forms of exercise you can add to improve your life. Don’t forget to share them with other readers!
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