New Year’s Resolution: Set and Prioritize with the ABCDE Method
A new year is always the time for a fresh start. It’s almost a tradition to start with setting your New Year’s Resolution and then completely forgetting about it by the end of January. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there before. But, the only thing that will be different this year is that this blog will serve as a reminder (if you stay tuned) that you can and you will achieve those goals by the deadlines you set.
You may also be interested in How to successfully achieve any goals step-by-step.
Now we’ll dive into how we can make use of this New Year’s Resolution template to decide what we’re going to achieve this year. Feel free to make yourself a list and add your personal goals.
To get started, tick the goals that apply to you. Tick as many as you want.
Once you’re ready, we’ll introduce the “ABCDE method” to prioritize these goals according to importance. Bear in mind that this is only one of the many prioritization methods. If you wish to use another method, by all means, do so!
The ABCDE method
1. Go through your list and decide which ones take on a higher priority than the others and which ones are least important.
2. Write down a letter (beside each goal) to represent its level of priority with ‘A’ being the most important down to ‘E’ being the least important. (If you have fewer goals, you can use ABC instead)
3. For each goal categorized under ‘A’, give it a number indicating the order in which you aim to achieve them. Repeat until all the categories are numbered.
Here is an example as a result:
For interested readers, you can check our progress at Review Your New Year’s Resolutions with Daybreak.
Remember, this is only one way to prioritize your goals. However, by understanding the difference in importance, you can easily decide which goals you should focus on first. And with that in mind, you can start making plans and taking action to keep your New Year’s Resolution.
(Special thanks to my friend Abay for sharing the different prioritization methods with me. I learned a lot, and I hope to spread this knowledge to those who need it!)
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