Review your New Year’s Resolutions with Daybreak
Early this year, we published a blog post about setting your New Year’s Resolutions and how to prioritize them. With a blink of the eye, it’s almost the end of June. We’re halfway into 2021, and there are only 6 months left before 2022 comes. It’s time to review your New Year’s Resolutions and make adjustments to your plans.
For interested readers: New Year’s Resolution: Set and Prioritize with the ABCDE Method
Reviewing Daybreak's New Year's Resolution
Here we will share Daybreak’s New Year’s Resolution and what progress we’ve made so far. We will start reviewing the goals with priority level A down to C.
For the empty template, you can find it here
Priority Level A
A1. Save money: Although I wasn’t expecting myself to get a new job, I did pick up a part-time on the side, so I’ve been able to save a little more than I had hoped. The next step to saving even more money is to invest in it wisely.
A2. Start a business: My close friend and I are starting an e-commerce shop as I write this post. It’s been hard to balance between work and life, but I’m getting there! Also, this could be a great way to invest some of my money.
A3. Reduce plastic use: I’ve always avoided one-use plastic whenever possible. I would carry a reusable bag and bring my water bottle. Besides striving to eliminate one-use plastic from my life, I should encourage more people to do the same and share helpful tips.
A4. Learn how to drive: Unfortunately, I haven’t made much progress so far. I sent in my application, but with Covid, my written test is pushed back to later this year. Hopefully, by the end of this year, I’d be slightly closer to this goal.
Priority Level B
B1. Read more books: Not going to lie, but I’ve been quite lazy lately when it comes to reading. At one point, I completely stopped picking up any of my books. That’s why I’ve decided to set a 5min timer for reading each day to help me get back on track.
B2. Listen to podcasts: I’m proud to say I found a new podcast channel to follow. Besides listening to TED Talks, I’ve also started following WorkLife with Adam Grant. Adam brings us to rethink how we work, lead and live.
B3. Take an online class: When I set this as a resolution, I thought I would be taking lessons from Coursera or other learning platforms. But instead, I’ve been learning from MasterClass (if that counts!). Maybe finding a friend to take a class we’re both interested in can help keep me motivated.
B4. Start recycling: I replaced my old trash can with 2 transparent bins, one for things I can recycle and the other for the things I can’t. The reason for using a see-through container is so I can see the trash. Once I can see it, I will understand what is causing so much waste and figure out ways to reduce, reuse and recycle it.
A psychology trick here is to use the smaller bin for non-recyclable trash and the bigger one for things you can recycle. It can trick your mind into thinking you produce a lot of non-recyclable waste and should reduce and recycle whenever possible.
B5: Start meditating: I started out using a meditation app to guide me. It helped me sit still. But as I practiced, I noticed how the background music (whether it’s the sound of birds chirping or river flowing) brought joy to my ears. The soothing sound of nature was what I needed. That’s when I switched from guided apps to plain nature sounds. Meditating at home while it rains outside is a great experience!
Priority Level C
C1: Keep a Journal: My journal has become my brain dump for the day. I start my day by writing three important tasks I aim to get done by the end of the day and then further break it down into a list of what I need to get done. When random ideas hit me, I write them in the corner or on a post-it and stick them onto my journal for me to come back to it later. This could be helpful for you to review your new year’s resolutions.
C2: Pick up a new hobby: Finally, I picked up gardening. I wouldn’t say I’m great at it, but I’m happy with my work of art. The first green plant I brought home with me is the Monstera (or the Swiss cheese plant). I recently had to move it to a bigger pot because it’s outgrowing the previous one.
C3: Declutter: I used to declutter once every two weeks, but now it’s becoming less frequent because there isn’t much clutter anymore. Everything has its own place in my room. For every item I take out, I would put it back. Now, I only declutter once every few months!
To Conclude
If you haven’t already set your goals, it’s never too late to start. But if you joined us early this year, now is the perfect time to review your new year’s resolutions and see what needs to be changed. You can always share your review with your family and friends or even us! Don’t hesitate to celebrate these achievements and steps you’ve taken towards your goals. You deserve it!
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