World Kindness Day: How to feel good doing good
What is kindness to you? Maybe it’s when someone offers you a helping hand when you need it or the pat on your back when you feel like everything’s falling apart. Kindness plays a vital role in improving our lives and those around us. With World Kindness Day just around the corner, it’s time to spread more kindness.
What is World Kindness Day
It is an international holiday aimed to promote kindness throughout the world. World Kindness Day is celebrated in many countries such as Australia, Canada, and Singapore.
When is World Kindness Day
World Kindness Day takes place on the 13th of November every year. It was first introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, a group of national kindness organizations.
How to Celebrate World Kindness Day
- Donate food, clothes, toys or books
- Compliment a stranger
- Leave your colleagues a positive note
- Send anonymous flowers
- Pass out colorful balloons
- Leave an encouraging comment on a blog post
- Run or cycle for a cause
- Be a good listener
- Pay it forward
- Serve at a homeless shelter
- Pick up rubbish on the beach
- Leave some change on the vending machine
Donate food, clothes, toys or books
If you purchase canned goods in bulk or find brand new clothes that you know you won’t wear, you can consider donating them to local charities. Or better, you can donate your time by volunteering to teach others if you have the skillset!
Compliment a stranger
Smiles are contagious. If you smile at strangers, they’ll likely smile back. But if they can’t see your smile, then step up your game and compliment them. It could be a talented musician or someone with a great sense of fashion. After all, compliments are free!
Leave your colleagues a positive note
You can write a thank you note on a post-it or even offer to make them a hot beverage. Anyone having a bad day would appreciate your effort as your positive spirits lift them.
Send anonymous flowers
Flowers aren’t just for ladies. Gentlemen appreciate them too. If you have flowers you need to throw out (but are still in great shape), don’t just toss them in the bin. Divide it into smaller bouquets and give them out to strangers for free. They’ll pay you back with the brightest smile they have!
Pass out balloons
Who doesn’t like colorful balloons? Just seeing them might remind you of your fondest memories at the amusement park. You can go out on the street with plenty of balloons and start passing them out to both children and adults. The balloons will paint the streets with all the colors of the rainbow!
Leave an encouraging comment on a blog post
Whether it’s a blog post or an Instagram post, there are people who spend a lot of time and effort on creating it. Leaving a positive or encouraging comment can brighten up their day. And you’ll feel great for doing a good deed.
Run or cycle for a cause
Kindness can come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes when you’re helping others, you’re also helping yourself. Running or cycling for a cause not only helps others but it’s also a great exercise for your body. So grab your running shoes or bike and start moving!
Be a good listener
It doesn’t take much to be a good listener. All you need is time and attention. Try putting away your phone the next time someone talks to you and really listen to what they have to say.
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Pay it forward
On your way to grab your usual coffee? Leave some cash and pay it forward so the next person in line can enjoy a nice surprise! Besides coffee, there are other restaurants where you can pay it forward for the homeless to enjoy a warm meal. You can search online for the nearest restaurant!
Serve at a homeless shelter
Don’t wait for a special event to volunteer. If you’ve got the time and energy, why not help at a homeless shelter? Even if you don’t know how to cook, you can always help serve or even clean the dishes. There must be something you can help with.
Leave some change on the vending machine
There are times when you just want something to bite on or need that spare change to pay for parking, but you realize there’s nothing on you. Now, imagine finding just the right amount of change left by the previous owner for you to use. Wouldn’t that make your day? The next time you have extra change. consider leaving some behind as a way to pay it forward!
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